Monday, February 15, 2010

Grandview: Paul's on Fifth

It's neat sometimes to go to a restaurant and be able to order things that aren't on the menu. You feel kind of special, but most importantly, you know that the dish you order is super special because it's not something that's available every day.

That's what it's like at Paul's on Fifth, aka, Paul's Pantry.

Although the breakfast menu is pretty expansive, and has a lot of tasty items, the item to spring for is the thin and crispy.

What is a thin and crispy, you ask?


Seriously, the thin and crispy is paper thin Thin like a crepe, but crispy like a dosa. But it still maintains the properties that are most desirable of a pancake; the ability to soak in buttery, syrupy goodness.

I always go with three thin and crispies when I go to Paul's.

They come out piping hot, piled on top of each other, the outer edges so crispy like a tortilla chip. The butter immediately melts onto the cake, and the syrup soaks in like a Brawny paper towel.

You don't even need a knife to cut a thin and crispy, They are so delicate, that the gentle motion from a fork will do the job.


CONCLUSION: You'll probably find me at Paul's in between 8:30-9:30 am on any given Saturday or Sunday, if I am not checking out some new place. I'll say hi, but please don't disturb me during my euphoria of thin and crispies.

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